Brookfield Patch Brookfield Ct (2025)

1. Brookfield Local News

  • Brookfield, CT

  • Brookfield Latest Headlines: Celebrity Couple Searches For Home In Connecticut: CT News; 'Magnificent 4-Level Townhouse' Is A 'Storybook Home' In Brookfield; Brookfield Halloween 5K And Kids Fun Run Back For 32nd Year

Brookfield Local News

2. Brookfield, CT Patch - Facebook

  • Brookfield, CT Patch, Brookfield, Connecticut. 4386 likes · 7 talking about this. Hyperlocal news, alerts, discussion and events for Brookfield,...

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

3. Brookfield Community Corner News - Patch

Brookfield Community Corner News - Patch

4. Police | Brookfield CT

  • The mission of the Brookfield Police Department is to provide our community with the finest public safety services in an ethical, professional, ...

  • The mission of the Brookfield Police Department is to provide our community with the finest public safety services in an ethical, professional, and sensitive manner.

5. Tag: Brookfield - NBC Connecticut

  • Crash in Brookfield leaves motorcycle operator, passenger with serious injuries.

  • Articles from the tag: Brookfield

6. co-chair, CT Braver Angels Alliance - Brookfield - Patch

  • co-chair, CT Braver Angels Alliance – Brookfield – Patch. A Q&A will follow the discussion. Free and open to people of any and all political viewpoints ...

  • A Q&A will follow the discussion. Free and open to people of any and all political viewpoints. Hosted by the Braver Angels Connecticut Alliance. Co- ...

co-chair, CT Braver Angels Alliance - Brookfield - Patch

7. The Patch People of the Year | HDHM

  • 31 dec 2013 · We asked you, our readers, to submit nominations for Brookfield Patch's 2013 ... Brookfield, CT 06804. Office 203-740-1243. Fax 203-740-2524


8. New Canaan Patch, Brookfield, CT - MapQuest

  • Get more information for New Canaan Patch in Brookfield, CT. See reviews, map, get the address, and find directions.

9. Brookfield CT |

  • Brookfield CT · Home. Keywords. Contact Us. > Click for Menu <. Home · Our Town ... 100 Pocono Road, Brookfield, CT 06804. Phone: (203) 775-7300. Government ...

  • Social Media

10. ​Tell Patch If You See Election Shenanigans In Brookfield - Yahoo

  • 31 okt 2020 · BROOKFIELD, CT — The high-stakes 2020 presidential and general election is Tuesday, and voting is already underway in some parts of the ...

  • ProPublica's Electionland tip lines are open to take information about problems that prevent people in Brookfield from voting.

​Tell Patch If You See Election Shenanigans In Brookfield - Yahoo

11. Wiring Specialties | Aftermarket Wiring Harnesses

  • ... Patch Harnesses · PNP Sub-Harnesses · CANBUS DIY Modules · Interface ... Brookfield, CT 06804. Phone: 860-799-6579. Quick Links. Return Request · Shipping ...

  • Plug and play wiring harnesses for Nissan, BMW, Datsun, Mazda and Chevrolet chassis with LS and JDM engine swaps. Startup guaranteed. Made in USA.

Brookfield Patch Brookfield Ct (2025)


What is the average income in Brookfield CT? ›

What are the median and average incomes in Brookfield?
Y-o-Y Change
Average Household Income$165,6445.1%
Median Household Income$132,3493.9%
People below Poverty Level808-0.7%
People above Poverty Level16,7431.1%

What is Brookfield CT famous for? ›

Brookfield was a thriving town with iron furnaces, grist mills, sawmills, comb shops, carding and cotton mills, a paper mill, a knife factory, hat factories, stage-coach shops, lime kilns, harness shops and other plants operated there. The grist mill (now the Brookfield Craft Center) still stands.

How did Brookfield CT get its name? ›

In 1778 the Town was incorporated. The name Newbury was changed to Brookfield in honor of the Reverend Thomas Brooks, who was still the minister. The first Town Meeting was held on June 9, 1788.

What is it like to live in Brookfield CT? ›

Brookfield's location offers a perfect blend of suburban tranquility and easy access to urban amenities, with nearby parks, lakes, and recreational facilities providing ample opportunities for outdoor activities and family bonding.

What is the lowest income town in CT? ›

Of the 128 towns in the state with available data, Storrs ranks as the poorest. The typical Storrs household earns just $23,964 a year, 71.3% less than the statewide median household income. Given the low incomes, it is not surprising that a larger than average share of residents live in poverty.

What income is wealthy in CT? ›

The No. 1 richest state, meanwhile, is Connecticut, where residents have to bring in roughly $656,000 to be among the top earners. Washington state has seen the most dramatic growth in what it takes to be rich in recent years, according to the report. In 2017, a salary of about $378,000 would land you in the 5% club.

What is the crime index in Brookfield CT? ›

Brookfield Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes10152
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)0.578.66

Did Brookfield buy Forest City? ›

(“Brookfield”) (NYSE: BAM) (TSX: BAM. A) (Euronext: BAMA) and Forest City Realty Trust, Inc. (“Forest City”) (NYSE: FCEA) today announced the completion of the acquisition of Forest City by a Brookfield real estate investment fund.

How many homes are in Brookfield, CT? ›

Brookfield has 6,200 households, of which 84 percent are homeowner households. Of Brookfield's 6,721 housing units, 80 percent are single-family and 20 percent are multifamily, compared to PUMA 0900100, where 70 percent are single-family and 30 percent are multifamily. Homeownership rates vary by race/ethnicity.

Does Brookfield CT have a downtown? ›

Brookfield Town Center (known to locals as "Four Corners") is the downtown shopping district of Brookfield.

What is Brookfield famous for? ›

Brookfield Corporation is a Canadian multinational company that is one of the world's largest alternative investment management companies, with over US$725 billion of assets under management in 2022. It focuses on direct control investments in real estate, renewable power, infrastructure, credit and private equity.

What is the history of Brookfield? ›

Brookfield traces its origins back to a privately owned utility company founded in 1899 in São Paulo, Brazil. Since then, we have consistently focused on investing in long-life, high-quality assets.

What is the richest place to live in Connecticut? ›

Darien. Darien, located on Connecticut's Gold Coast and known as the smallest town in the area, holds the title of being the richest town in Connecticut. Its affluence stems from a combination of factors, including its location near prosperous neighborhoods and its picturesque coastal setting.

Where is the nicest place to live in Connecticut? ›

Below are the nine best places to live in Connecticut, according to local real estate experts.
  • 01 of 09. Hartford. vishwats/Getty Images. ...
  • 02 of 09. Weatogue. Courtesy of the Connecticut Office of Tourism. ...
  • 03 of 09. Farmington. ...
  • 04 of 09. Glastonbury. ...
  • 05 of 09. Old Greenwich. ...
  • 06 of 09. Stamford. ...
  • 07 of 09. New Haven. ...
  • 08 of 09. Westport.
Jun 30, 2024

How much does it cost to live comfortably in CT? ›

While single adults in Connecticut have a bit of reprieve supporting themselves comfortably, requiring $100,380, the income needed across two working adults with kids comes out to $279,884, or third-most studywide.

What is a comfortable living salary in CT? ›

$28,500 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers. $39,000 is the 75th percentile.

What is the average income per person in CT? ›

The following data are the most current income statistics for Connecticut from the US Census Bureau, are in 2022 inflation adjusted dollars and are from the American Community Survey 2022 5-year estimates. Median Household Income: $90,213. Average Household Income: $130,601. Per Capita Income: $52,034.

What is the wealthy town in CT? ›

Darien. Darien, located on Connecticut's Gold Coast and known as the smallest town in the area, holds the title of being the richest town in Connecticut. Its affluence stems from a combination of factors, including its location near prosperous neighborhoods and its picturesque coastal setting.

What is the top 1% income in CT? ›

Connecticut ranked 1st overall, where you need to earn $1,192,947 to be a part of the top 1%.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.