SpongeBob SquarePants S 3 E 8 "No Weenies Allowed" / "Squilliam Returns" - TV Tropes (2024)


SpongeBob SquarePants S 3 E 8 "No Weenies Allowed" / "Squilliam Returns" »


SpongeBob SquarePants S 3 E 8 "No Weenies Allowed" / "Squilliam Returns" - TV Tropes (1)

How tough are ya'?

No Weenies Allowed

Original air date: 3/15/2002 (produced in 2001)

SpongeBob tries to prove he's tough enough to enter the Salty Spitoon, the roughest, toughest joint under the sea.

"No Weenies Allowed" contains examples of:

  • Acting Unnatural: SpongeBob's attempts to pretend he's not planning to sneak attack Sandy just make him seem, to use Sandy's own words, "jumpier than a rattlesnake in a pickle barrel".
  • Ambulance Cut: SpongeBob is about to enter the Salty Spitoon, then cut to him in an ambulance.

    SpongeBob: What happened?
    Sandy: You ran inside and slipped on an ice cube.

  • And Show It to You: A variant: to prove her toughness to Reg, Sandy rips the "MOM" heart tattoo off his chest and puts it back on upside-down so that it reads "WOW".
  • Asinine Alternate Activity: Weenie Hut Jr. is a classic example. Its bright colors and geeky customers frustrate SpongeBob into trying to get into the Salty Spitoon again.
  • Astonishingly Appropriate Interruption: SpongeBob trying to set up his and Patrick's fake fight almost goes awry thanks to Reg.

    SpongeBob: I might have to beat someone up just to get rid of all this... blind fury.
    Reg: Heh, wow.
    SpongeBob: And I feel pretty sorry for the next guy who looks at me funny!
    Reg: Hmm... What about that guy? (camera pans to an extremely muscular fish with a giant underbite)
    SpongeBob: (wheezes) Oh, I, uh, don't be silly! He's not bothering anybody!

  • Bad Guy Bar: The Salty Spitoon is only for the toughest people in Bikini Bottom.
  • Bait-and-Switch:
    • When Sandy kicks SpongeBob, his shoes, socks and pants come off. When he lands, it's implied they fell back on, only to reveal they fell on his head.
    • When SpongeBob is told he needs a tough hairdo, we cut to what appears to be him, in a black wig, acting tough, and claiming to be a drifter. A Paper-Thin Disguise, right? Then the real SpongeBob shows up, in a clown wig...
    • The Ambulance Cut right after SpongeBob enters the Salty Spitoon, implying he got beaten senseless by the other patrons but according to Sandy he ran inside and slipped on an ice cube.
  • Bald Head of Toughness:
    • While the fish in the world of SpongeBob are hairless as a default due to the fact that fish don't have hair, Reg, the bouncer to the Salty Spitoon, actually has an Off-Model shaved head. As the bouncer of the bar which only allows the toughest of tough in, Reg is essentially the arbiter of toughness.
    • Discussed by the two Stereotypical Nerd fish at the designated restaurant for wimps SpongeBob returns to throughout the episode, Weenie Hut Jr.'s, as they advise SpongeBob on how to get into the Salty Spitoon.

      Nerd #1: Couldn't get in, huh? What you need is a tough hair-do. No one gets into the Double S without a tough hair-do.
      Nerd #2: I disagree, I saw a guy going in there, and he was bald.
      Nerd #1: I saw that guy. He wasn't bald, he had a shaved head. Shaved. That's a hair-do. Case closed.

  • Berserk Button: Do not call Patrick "tubby" — SpongeBob ends up getting punched in the eye for this.
  • Butt-Monkey: SpongeBob is continuously denied from entering the Salty Spitoon, despite his attempts.
  • Character Exaggeration: While in other episodes, he's effeminate and weak at worst and evenly matched with Sandy at karate, SpongeBob in this episode has his Prone to Tears wimpy side pushed up to eleven in order to focus on how much of a "weenie" he is.
  • Conspicuously Light Patch: Averted: the robot waiter at Weenie Hut Jr.'s does move despite looking like a painted background object.
  • Creator Cameo: The two nerds are voiced by writers Paul Tibbitt and Kent Osborne.
  • Cruel Twist Ending: Not too long after SpongeBob is finally accepted into the club, he ends up going to the hospital for apparently slipping on an ice cube, and to make matters worse, he has to get sent to Weenie Hut General, much to his dismay.
  • Don't Explain the Joke: During the karate fight.

    SpongeBob: Uh, Sandy?
    Sandy: Oh, I'm sandy, alright. (Pops up from under the sand, gripping SpongeBob between her palms) I'm very sandy. Hi-yah! (kicks SpongeBob into orbit)
    SpongeBob: (nonchalantly) Ohhh, I get it. She's sandy! That's her name; she's also covered in... yes!

  • Epic Fail:
    • SpongeBob's attempt to crack his knuckles leads to the Fingore example below.
    • When SpongeBob is told by the two nerds he has to get a tough hairdo to get into the Salty Spitoon, he chooses... a rainbow clown wig. Naturally, Reg is not impressed.
    • When SpongeBob finally gets into the Salty Spitoon, he's carried away in an ambulance immediately afterwards... because he slipped on an ice cube.
  • Even Nerds Have Standards: Even SpongeBob, who is pretty geeky himself, expresses distaste for the "weenies" in this one.
  • Eye Scream: Played in a lighthearted tone when one of the fish reveals that you have to have muscles everywhere, including the eyeballs.
  • Fake a Fight: Played for Laughs. For the final attempt that SpongeBob makes in getting in, he gets Patrick to help him stage a fight to convince Reg into letting him in.
  • Fake Danger Gambit: SpongeBob stages a fight with Patrick in front of the bouncer. Patrick somehow manages to telekinetically beat up himself. The bouncer is duly impressed.
  • Fingore: Although very tame. In an attempt to act tough, SpongeBob breaks his fingers so hard that they snap, causing him to start crying.
  • Gilligan Cut: When SpongeBob tries to get into the Salty Spitoon:

    Reg: Listen kid, I think you'd be more comfortable over at that place. (points to the building across the street)
    SpongeBob: Weenie Hut Jr.'s?! Are you saying I belong at Weenie Hut Jr.'s?!
    Reg: Uh... oh, no, sorry, I was actually pointing to the place next to it. (points to another building)
    SpongeBob: Super Weenie Hut Jr.'s?!
    Reg: Yeah. Unless you think you're tough enough to fight me.
    (SpongeBob inhales; cut to him at Weenie Hut Jr.'s)

  • Good-Guy Bar: Weenie Hut Jr.'s, despite being rather childish, has some actually good people in it.
  • Gotta Catch 'Em All: The two nerds appear to be comic collectors.

    Nerd #1: How's your collection coming along?
    Nerd #2: Well, I don't mean to brag, but it's pretty sweet! I'm in the process of acquiring Issue #347, which will give me my fourth complete set!
    Nerd #1: No...

  • Goofy Buckteeth: One of the two Stereotypical Nerd fish that are frequent patrons of Weenie Hut Jr.'s — the bar for weak, dorky, and uncool types — has protruding buckteeth and Pubescent Braces.
  • Here We Go Again!: After SpongeBob gets sent to the hospital, the doctor suggests transferring him over to a "weenie"-fied hospital, Weenie Hut General, after hearing that he got his injuries from slipping on an ice cube. SpongeBob doesn't seem too thrilled at the idea.
  • Hold Your Hippogriffs: A relatively subtle example. In the lead-up to his fake fight with Patrick, SpongeBob says "I don't care if you're the demon seed of Davy Jones!" Since Davy Jones' Locker is treated as the setting's equivalent of Hell, it's implied that SpongeBob was saying he didn't care if Patrick was the Antichrist.
  • Human Notepad: When he and SpongeBob fake a fight, Patrick looks down at his hand, which has the word "kickboxer" written on it, to help him remember his line.
  • I Can't Believe I'm Saying This: When Reg finally lets SpongeBob into the Salty Spitoon:

    Reg: I never thought I'd say this, but... go ahead in.

  • Identical Stranger: A sponge identical to SpongeBob only with dark hair and the real deal (wearing a rainbow clown wig) both appear at the Salty Spitoon at the same time.
  • I'm a Doctor, Not a Placeholder: When the two nerds at Weenie Hut Jr.'s ask the robot bartender why he doesn't help them with their problems, the robot answers that he is a robot, not a miracle worker.
  • Impossible Pickle Jar: The first thing SpongeBob tries to prove his toughness is to open a bottle of ketchup. He fails.

    SpongeBob: If I could just run this under some hot water...

  • Instantly Proven Wrong: SpongeBob tells the nerds that his friends don't hang out at Weenie Hut Jr.'s. Pan over to show Patrick suddenly sitting right next to him.

    Patrick: You tell 'em, SpongeBob!
    SpongeBob: Patrick, what are you doing here?
    Patrick: I'm always here on Double Weenie Wednesday.

  • Ironic Echo: SpongeBob is one to talk when dining at Weenie Hut Jr.'s.

    SpongeBob: ...Pfft. What weenies. Oh-ho, brother!
    Waiter: Would you care for another diet cola with a lemon twist, weenie?
    SpongeBob: What?! But, I'm not a weenie!

  • Jerkass Has a Point: As much as Reg is a condescending jerkass, he was right that SpongeBob shouldn't be granted entry into a tough guys bar.
  • Kicking My Own Butt: Patrick when throwing a fight so SpongeBob could look tough. What's more impressive is that he beats up himself without using his hands. This actually fools Reg, who thinks SpongeBob is so tough that he could beat up Patrick without touching him.
  • Manchild: SpongeBob immediately starts bawling once he breaks his fingers, states that he cried for twenty minutes after stubbing his toe while watering his spice garden, and uses the word "boo-boos". No wonder he couldn't get into the Salty Spitoon or that he was branded a weenie by the waiter at Weenie Hut Jr’s. To be fair, most people wouldn't take literally breaking their own fingers very well, but the rest still applies.
  • Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy: Sandy and SpongeBob put this trope in full display in this episode.
  • Masochist's Meal: How one of the customers of the Salty Spitoon has to prove his toughness.

    Reg: How tough are ya?
    Tough Guy: How tough am I? HOW TOUGH AM I?! I had a bowl of nails for breakfast this morning!
    Reg: Yeah, so?
    Tough Guy: Without any milk.
    Reg: (visibly intimidated) Uh, right this way, sorry to keep you waiting...

  • Metronomic Man Mashing: Props go to Patrick for being able to do this to himself.
  • Mistaken for an Imposter: Reg sees someone who looks like SpongeBob with a black pompadour, so naturally he thinks it's just a disguise. But just as he's about to unmask him, the real SpongeBob arrives wearing a rainbow wig (his idea of a tough hairdo). Reg apologizes to the stranger and lets him in.
  • Not Helping Your Case: See Manchild above.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Patrick somehow beats himself to a pulp as part of his plan to get SpongeBob into the Salty Spitoon.
  • Not-So-Innocent Whistle: SpongeBob does this after getting thrown at a muscular fish who asks, "Who threw that piece of paper at me?"
  • Not This One, That One:

    Reg: Listen kid, I think you'd be more comfortable over at that place. (points to the building across the street)
    SpongeBob: Weenie Hut Jr.'s?! Are you saying I belong at Weenie Hut Jr.'s?!
    Reg: Uh... oh, no, sorry, I was actually pointing to the place next to it. (points to another building)
    SpongeBob: Super Weenie Hut Jr.'s?!

  • Offhand Backhand: While talking with an ice cream vendor, Sandy takes a moment to karate smack SpongeBob the instant he falls back down to the ground.
  • Overly Long Gag: Patrick discussing with the two nerds whether or not Double Weenie Wednesday is still in effect.

    Nerd #1: Actually, they moved Double Weenie Wednesday to Friday.
    Nerd #2: And besides, today's Monday.
    Patrick: Oh, so it's Mega Weenie Monday?
    Nerd #1: Uh, that's now on Sunday.
    Patrick: Barnacles!
    Nerd #2: Super Weenie Hut Jr.'s has a Mega Weenie Monday.
    Nerd #1: Uh, no, you're thinking of Monster Weenie Monday.
    SpongeBob: I don't have time for this!

  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Zig-zagged. Right after SpongeBob hears one of the patrons at Weenie Hut Jr's say having a "tough hairdo" is enough to get somebody into the Salty Spitoon, a guy who looks exactly like SpongeBob with a black pompadour shows up, requesting entry. Reg is quick to try and take the hair off, but then the real SpongeBob shows up wearing a rainbow clown wig.
  • Psychopathic Manchild: Patrick cries then goes violently ballistic over a minor insult about his weight and nearly proceeded to give him a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown before SpongeBob had to remind him it was just a ploy.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: One of the Salty Spitoon patrons is a muscular hunchbacked fish with a cute purple seahorse tattoo.
  • Seinfeldian Conversation:
    • The two nerds get into a discussion over whether a shaved head counts as a hairdo or not.
    • Later, the nerds and Patrick have a conversation about Double Weenie Wednesday and Mega Weenie Monday.
  • Shout-Out: The tough guy that says that he ate a bowl of nails for breakfast without any milk. This is likely a reference to Arthur, where it was rumored that Mr. Ratburn (a Stern Teacher that kids initially viewed as far meaner than he actually was) does the same thing. Ironically the line is far more readily associated with SpongeBob nowadays.
    • The part where Patrick beats himself up is a reference to Fight Club.
  • Smash Cut: Right when SpongeBob is granted access to the Salty Spitoon and runs in, the scene cuts right to him in an ambulance having slipped on an ice cube and gotten bruised.
  • Stereotypical Nerd: The two guys Spongebob meets at the Weenie Hut Jr.'s are walking nerd stereotypes: both wear Nerd Glasses and high waisted pants. One has Pubescent Braces and talks with a lisp. The other is introduced talking about how his "collection" is coming along. They are both shaped like and are directly visually compared to literal hot dog wieners to emphasize their small, frail, and flimsy Geek Physiques, are only referred to in the script as Weenie 1 and Weenie 2, and they spend the episode giving Spongebob analysis and feedback on how to be tough. Finally, both are frequent patrons of Weenie Hut Jr.'s as opposed to the Salty Spitoon, which is characterized as the cool bar where only the toughest people in Bikini Bottom are allowed. Not even Spongebob, who is pretty nerdy himself, wants to be likened to them.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial: At the beginning, SpongeBob feels the need to clarify that he won't be doing anything besides changing into his swimsuit in the changing tent. Sure enough, he secretly brought his karate gear with him and was hoping to take Sandy by surprise.
  • Teeth Flying: Patrick loses a couple of teeth when he beats himself up.
  • Testosterone Poisoning: “You need to have muscles. You need to have MUSCLES on your MUSCLES. Ya need to have muscles on your EYEBALLS!”
  • The Un-Reveal:
    • We never get to see what the inside of the Salty Spitoon looks like, nor what do the attendants actually do in there.
    • We also don't get a glimpse of what Super Weenie Hut Jr.'s looks like inside, as SpongeBob only goes to Weenie Hut Jr.'s despite Reg saying he belongs at the former. It's not until four seasons later do we actually see Super Weenie Hut Jr.'s interior.
  • Unusual Euphemism: Even Sandy doesn't understand what she means when she says that SpongeBob is acting "jumpier than a rattlesnake in a pickle barrel".
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: Nobody seems to particularly care that the bartender at Weenie Hut Jr.'s is a robot.
  • Wannabe Line: The entire point of the episode, where SpongeBob tries to prove himself "tough enough" to enter the Salty Spitoon. On the plus side, the line's apparently either very short or very fast, because he gets to make half a dozen attempts to get past the bouncer.
  • Waxing Lyrical: "You can't hide what's inside!"
  • The Worf Effect: Invoked. Patrick claims to be a champion kickboxer to make SpongeBob "beating" him seem even more impressive.
  • Yank the Dog's Chain: SpongeBob is finally allowed into the Salty Spitoon... only to slip on an ice cube and get himself injured.

SpongeBob SquarePants S 3 E 8 "No Weenies Allowed" / "Squilliam Returns" - TV Tropes (2)

Behold, the greatest and finest eating establishment in the Bikini Bottom.

Squilliam Returns

Original air date: 3/15/2002 (produced in 2001)

Squidward meets his rival Squilliam again, and to show him off, he lies about running a fancy restaurant. Now he has to get SpongeBob and Mr. Krabs to help him cover up his lie by turning the Krusty Krab into a high-class eatery, but will it all go according to plan?

"Squilliam Returns" contains examples of:

  • Armor-Piercing Question: SpongeBob being asked his name, due to having forgotten it when he cleared his mind of everything that did not involve fine dining. It causes him to go berserk.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: This episode marks one of the rare occasions where Squilliam got the last laugh over Squidward.
  • Bound and Gagged: SpongeBob does this to Mr. Krabs and Patrick once he "empties his mind."
  • Brick Joke: The World's Smallest Violin is initially presented to Squidward as sarcasm by Mr. Krabs. When everything goes wrong at the end of the episode, Mr. Krabs shows up playing it again.
  • Comically Missing the Point:

    Squidward: This is serious!
    Mr. Krabs: I know! This really is the World's Smallest Violin—see? (camera focuses on his hand, showing the really small violin he is using)

  • Continuity Nod: In the sister episode, "No Weenies Allowed", SpongeBob mentioned stubbing his toe in his spice garden the other day. In this episode, when the mini-SpongeBobs in his brain are getting rid of all his knowledge except fine dining and breathing, one of the pieces of paper they shred says "spice garden tips".
  • A Day in the Limelight: Most of this episode revolves around Squidward.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Squidward makes up a story about running a 5-star formal restaurant and is surprised when the people he lies to say they want to dine there.
  • Downer Ending: Because SpongeBob took his advice too literally to the point of causing havoc, Squidward is exposed as being just a cashier at a cheap fast food restaurant and not a fancy 5-star restaurateur to Squilliam, who leads all the rich patrons away to his balloon/casino after bullying Squidward once more. Squidward can only sit and grieve while Mr. Krabs continues to play sad violin music just to mock him some more.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: The episode features Squidward once again encountering his rival Squilliam and attempting to show him up again. It doesn't work this time.
  • Exact Words: Squidward asks if Mr. Krabs worked on the S.S. Gourmet, and he confirms it. Later on, appalled by Mr. Krabs' terrible cooking, he confronts him about it... and learns that Mr. Krabs did work on the Gourmet, but not as a chef, just as a janitor. He was head chef on the S.S. Diarrhea.
  • Fire Means Chaos: When the tiny people in SpongeBob's mind realize they have accidentally scrapped his own name in the process of forgetting everything that has nothing to do with fine dining and breathing, their entire office descends into panic and eventually fiery chaos as they try to recover it.
  • Freak Out: SpongeBob has one when he can't remember his name.
  • Gone Horribly Right: SpongeBob empties his mind of everything that doesn't have to do with fine dining and breathing... including his name!

    SpongeBob Mind Worker: WE THREW OUT HIS NAME!

  • Gross-Up Close-Up: Mr. Krabs' "appetizer" when Squidward first sees it.


    Mr. Krabs: That's the appetizer.

  • How They Treat the Help: From Squilliam of all people - played as an Unwitting Instigator of Doom. When he accepts the Krusty Krab is apparently everything Squidward says it is, he acknowledges SpongeBob is the keystone to it all, and wants to personally commend him.
  • Hypocritical Humor: This happens when Squidward told SpongeBob to empty his mind of everything not related to fine dining (and breathing) and his mind has various SpongeBobs emptying his mind:

    SpongeBob # 1: Hurry up! What do you think I'm paying you for?
    SpongeBob # 2: You don't pay me. We don't even exist. We're just a clever visual metaphor used to personify the abstract concept of thought.
    SpongeBob # 1: One more crack like that and you're outta here!
    SpongeBob # 2: (down on his knees and begging) NO! Please! I have three kids!

  • I Can't Believe I'm Saying This: "...but SpongeBob, you're going to have to be the waiter."
  • I Have a Family: When one of the tiny SpongeBobs threatens to fire another tiny SpongeBob for his comment about not even existing, the second SpongeBob begs not to be fired, explaining that he has three kids.
  • Idiot Ball: It somehow didn't occur to Squidward to tell SpongeBob's name to Squilliam when he began stammering due to forgetting it.
  • Imagine the Audience Naked: Squidward attempts to imagine Squilliam in his underwear, but he turns out hot.
  • The Inspector Is Coming: Squilliam learns about Squidward's job as a restaurant cashier and, predictably, mocks him for it. To defend himself, Squidward makes up a lie about how the Krusty Krab is a fancy, five-star eating establishment and not a fast food restaurant. He convinces Mr. Krabs to remodel the place and tries his hardest to teach SpongeBob etiquette and proper protocol. The poor fry-cook-turned-waiter collapses and only by erasing his memories and knowledge about everything else does he manage to pull a stellar performance. Squilliam is supremely impressed until SpongeBob and the Krusty Krab fall apart.
  • It Came from the Fridge: Mr. Krabs' "appetizer", which comes alive, breaks loose and attacks.

    Mr. Krabs: Run for your lives, everyone! It's the appetizer!

  • Lampshade Hanging: SpongeBob has to forget everything he knows except fine dining (and breathing). This is visualized by little SpongeBobs in his brain shredding documents, burning them, etc. One of them asks his boss why he should work harder, as they're just "...a clever visual metaphor used to personify the abstract concept of thought." When the boss then threatens to fire said worker he's begging for him not to, because he has kids.
  • Lethal Chef: Mr. Krabs. He served as head chef on the S.S. Diarrhea.

    Squidward: But I thought you said you were the head chef on the S.S. Gourmet!
    Mr. Krabs: Did I say that? No, I cleaned the bathrooms on the Gourmet. I was the head chef on the S.S. Diarrhea.

  • Literal Metaphor: When Squidward tells SpongeBob to empty his mind of anything that isn't fine dining and breathing, SpongeBob interprets that as erasing all of his knowledge since his birth.
  • Madness Mantra: "Hommina hommina hommina..."
  • Maintain the Lie: After telling Squilliam that he runs a high-class restaurant, Squidward has to convince SpongeBob, Mr. Krabs and Patrick to turn the Krusty Krab into a fine-dining establishment.
  • Mental World: SpongeBob's mind is a newspaper office where little SpongeBobs work. See Lampshade Hanging.
  • Mock Millionaire:
    • Squidward falsely claims to be the owner of a successful five-star restaurant.
    • Once Squidward's deception is exposed, Squilliam claims that he also works as a cashier and only pretends to be rich. When Squidward asks if that's true, Squilliam reveals he was lying to make fun of him.
  • Not Hyperbole: Mr. Krabs feels the need to point out that he really does own the World's Smallest Violin.
  • Oh, Crap!: Squidward has this reaction when he realizes how much time he has to show Squilliam his fancy job at a 5-star restaurant.


  • Pet the Dog: Mr. Krabs laughs off Squidward's lament until he finds out that the person coming to torment him tonight is Squilliam, at which point he gleefully agrees to "take him to the cleaners." Technically, he doesn't even get to laugh it off since he really was doing what he said he was.
  • Plot Hole: SpongeBob is shown to forget his name, but after serving Squilliam, but just a few minutes prior, when Squidward asked him how he transformed the Krusty Krab, Squidward addresses SpongeBob by name. SpongeBob replies naturally.
  • Record Needle Scratch: This plays in the background when Squilliam asks SpongeBob to tell him his name, meaning he forgot it when emptying out his mind.
  • Rhetorical Request Blunder: When Squidward sees what a good job SpongeBob is doing as the waiter:

    Squidward: Pinch Me, I must be dreaming... (feels a pinch) Ow!
    SpongeBob: If you need anything else, just call.

  • Shout-Out: "Hommina hommina hommina..."

    SpongeBob: Table for "Homina"?

  • Screaming at Squick: Squidward's reaction to the Appetizer laid out on the grill.


  • Stupid Sexy Flanders:

    Squidward: Try to imagine him in his underwear. (does so) ...Oh no, he's hot!

  • Team Rocket Wins: Squidward's front is exposed, allowing Squilliam to prove that he is more accomplished than Squidward will ever be.
  • Whatever Happened to the Mouse?: Patrick vanishes from the episode after he and Mr. Krabs flee from the monstrous Appetizer. Though it's most likely that he simply left the restaurant.
  • Wide Eyes and Shrunken Irises: Squidward's eyes bulge out as his nose and lips shrink back to his face after Squilliam Fancyson plans on visiting the Krusty Krab tonight.
  • World's Smallest Violin: Parodied. Mr. Krabs makes fun of Squidward like this, and when Squidward tells him to be serious, Krabs insists that he is in fact playing the world's smallest violin. He reappears throughout the episode to underscore sad moments until Squidward tells him to cut it out.
  • X-Ray of Pain: SpongeBob has a mental breakdown and we get a view of his brain splitting in two.
  • Yank the Dog's Chain: Squilliam forces Squidward to admit his lie after the facade literally comes crashing down, then pretends to confess to Squidward that he made up his lavish lifestyle and is a cashier as well just to rub it in his face that he's "filthy stinkin' rich!"
  • Your Size May Vary: The World's Smallest Violin. When Krabs first plays it, it was purely microscopic, but the second and third time, it was still small, but big enough for the audience to see it.

Reg: I think you'd be more comfortable over at that wiki.
SpongeBob: Weenie Tropes Jr.'s?!

SpongeBob SquarePants S 3 E 8 "No Weenies Allowed" / "Squilliam Returns" - TV Tropes (2024)
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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.